Mega Tin 2016 Spoiler - Card list Mega Tin 2016
Mega Tin 2016 - All cards Mega Tin Collectibles 2016 Yugioh Kaiba and Yugi
The 2016 Mega-Tins are a set of Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game collectible tins. Mega-Tins are about 15% larger than Collectible Tins from previous years and only come in one wave.
Release date: 1 september
Each Mega-Tin contains the following:
Three 16-card Mega Packs
Six promotional cards of the following rarities:
1 Secret Rare card
2 Ultra Rare cards
3 Super Rare cards
Yugi Tin Card List
CT13-EN001 Slifer the Sky Dragon Secret Rare Effect Monster
CT13-EN003 Dark Magician Ultra Rare Normal Monster
CT13-EN004 Ebon High Magician Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
CT13-EN005 D/D/D Flame King Genghis Super Rare Effect Fusion Monster
CT13-EN006 Dragonox, the Empowered Warrior Super Rare Effect Pendulum Monster
CT13-EN007 Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer Super Rare Effect Pendulum Monster
CT13-EN002 Obelisk the Tormentor Secret Rare Effect Monster
CT13-EN008 Blue-Eyes White Dragon Ultra Rare Normal Monster
CT13-EN009 Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
CT13-EN010 D/D/D Gust King Alexander Super Rare Effect Synchro Monster
CT13-EN011 Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon Super Rare Effect Pendulum
CT13-EN012 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit Super Rare Effect Tuner monster
Mega Tin Collezionabili 2016 - Lista carte Mega Tin Collectibles 2016 Yugioh Kaiba and Yugi
Ogni Mega Tin conterrà :
- 3 Mega Pack (vedi sotto)
- 3 Carte Super Rare
- 2 Carte Ultra Rare
- 1 Carte Rara Segreta
Le carte certe che saranno contenute in ciascun tin sono le seguenti:
Slifer the Sky Dragon [Rara Segreta] (Legale per i tornei)
Ebon High Magician [Ultra Raro]
Dark Magician [Ultra Raro]
Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer [Super Rara]
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon [Super Rara]
D/D/D Flame King Genghis [Super Rara]
Obelisk the Tormentor [Rara Segreta] (Legale per i tornei)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon [Ultra Raro]
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon [Ultra Raro]
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit [Super Rara]
D/D/D Gust King Alexander [Super Rara]
Dragonox, the Empowered Warrior [Super Rara]
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