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mercoledì 6 novembre 2013

By: A

Rocco Tamburlini

Rocco Tamburlini  - Yu-gi-oh! Players

"Ho 18 anni (1995) e da circa 3 mesi abito a Londra.
I miei risultati più importanti sono: Top 8 YCS Barcellona, Top 32 European Championship (anche se è molto incognita visto che mi hanno eliminato per la storia di Simon He) e Top 32 YCS London (primo in svizzera). Poi per quando riguarda regionali e altri tornei minori non saprei dirti perchè non ricordo, ma diciamo che ho parecchie top qua e là e qualche regionale vinto.
Faccio parte del Jolly Roger team da quando è nato (circa 1 anno fa). Il mio colore preferito per le bustine protettive è l'azzurro XD.

In generale il mio stile di gioco è molto conservativo e tendo a non rischiare mai quando possibile, calcolo qualsiasi evenienza (a volte questa cosa mi si ritorce contro). Amo i mazzi con le trappole ed evito quelli OTK o super aggressivi." - Rocco Tamburlini

Rocco is 18 years old (he is born in 1995) and he is living in London since September 2013. He is a member of Jolly Roger Team since its birth (during 2012). His favourite sleeves colour is light blue. His playing-style is much conservative and he tends to never risk when that's possible, by calculating every possibility (although sometimes this may turn against him). He loves traps decks and he tries to avoid both the ones based on OTKs and the hyper-aggressive ones

His most valuable results are:
- Top 8 YCS Barcelona  with Wind-Ups, check the deck Profile!
- Top 32 European Championship * with Spellbooks, check the Jolly Roger's Spellbooks Deck Profile

and then

2013, 1st September - 31th December Format
Top 32 YCS London with Dragunity Rulers (1st place after ending of the swiss rounds), check the Decklist!

* During European Championship Rocco lost Top 32 game against Simon He, then disqualified at the end of the duel for cheating. However He's disqualification didn't lead to a win for Rocco since the result of the duel had been already reported.
and then

Deck by Rocco Tamburlini on Yugioh TCG Zone Deck by Rocco Tamburlini
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