Structure Deck 26 - Lightning Strike of the Mechlight Dragon
Structure Deck 26 - Lightning Strike of the Mechlight Dragon Spoiler Card List SD26
Starter Deck Cyber Drago Lista Carta Attacco fulmine del Drago Mekluce
N.B: Si tratta di una news OCG e non TCG. Il mazzo arriverà probabilmente anche in TCG (cioe' in Europa/America) ma potrebbe subire una lieve variazione nella lista delle carte. Comunque è quasi sicuro che le carte "nuove" rimarranno invariate.
Structure Deck 26 - Lightning Strike of the Mechlight Dragon
Release: 7th December 2013 (OCG)
Price: 1050 Yen (incl. tax) (OCG)
- 42 Cards (Number of new cards also unknown)
- Rulebook
- Playing Guide
- Duel Field
Cyber Dragon Core 「サイバー・ドラゴン・コア」
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/2/400/1500
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, add 1 "Cyber" or "Cybernetic" Magic or Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. Also, if you opponent controls a Monster, and if you control no Monster, you can activate this effect by removing from play this card in your Graveyard. Special Summon 1 "Cyber Dragon" Monster from your Deck. This effect of "Cyber Dragon Core" can only be used once per turn. This card's name is treated as "Cyber Dragon" while on the field or in the Graveyard.
Cyber Dragon Drei 「サイバー・ドラゴン・ドライ」
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/1800/800
When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, all "Cyber" Monster you control become Level 5. During the turn you activated this effect, you cannot Special Summon Monster other than Machine-Type Monsters. Also, if this card is removed from play, activate by selecting 1 "Cyber Dragon" you control. During this turn, the selected Monster cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. This card's name is treated as "Cyber Dragon" while on the field or in the Graveyard.
Cyber Repair Plant 「サイバー・リペア・プラント」
Normal Magic Card
You can activate this effect by selecting 1 of the following effects, if there is a "Cyber Dragon" in your Graveyard. If there are 3 or more "Cyber Dragon" in your Graveyard, you can select both effects. Only 1 "Cyber Repair Plant" can be activated per turn.
● Add 1 LIGHT Machine-Type Monster from your Deck to your hand.
● Select 1 LIGHT Machine-Type Monster in your Graveyard and return it to your Deck.
Cyber Network 「サイバー・ネットワーク」
Continuous Trap Card
Destroy this card during your 3rd Standby Phase after activation. Once per turn, you can activate this effect if you control a "Cyber Dragon". Remove from play 1 LIGHT Machine-Type Monster from your Deck. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, Special Summon as many of your LIGHT Machine-Type Monster that are removed from play as possible, and destroy all Magic and Trap Cards you control. Monsters Special Summoned by this effect cannot activate their effects. During the turn you activated this effect, you cannot conduct your Battle Phase.
Cyber Dragon Nova 「サイバー・ドラゴン・ノヴァ」
LIGHT/Machine - Xyz - Effect/Rank 5/2100/1600
2 x Level 5 Machine-Type Monster
Once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card. Select 1 "Cyber Dragon" Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing from play 1 "Cyber Dragon" from your hand or that you control. This card gain 2100 ATK until the End Phase. This effect can be activated during your opponent's turn. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect, you can Special Summon 1 Machine-Type Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck.
Ultra Rare
SD26-JP003 Cyber Dragon 「サイバー・ドラゴン」 x2 [Rare]
SD26-JP004 Cyber Dragon Zwei 「サイバー・ドラゴン・ツヴァイ」 x2
SD26-JP005 Proto Cyber Dragon 「プロト・サイバー・ドラゴン」 x2
SD26-JP006 Cyber Vary 「サイバー・ヴァリー」
SD26-JP007 Cyber Larva 「サイバー・ラーバァ」 x2
SD26-JP008 Cyber Phoenix 「サイバー・フェニックス」
SD26-JP009 Cyber Dinosaur 「サイバー・ダイナソー」
SD26-JP010 Cyber Eltanin 「サイバー・エルタニン」
SD26-JP011 Armored Cybern 「アーマード・サイバーン」
SD26-JP012 Satellite Cannon 「サテライト・キャノン」
SD26-JP013 Solar Wind Jammer 「太陽風帆船」
SD26-JP014 Jade Knight 「ジェイドナイト」
SD26-JP015 Falchion Beta 「ファルシオンβ」
SD26-JP016 Reflect Bounder 「魔鏡導士リフレクト・バウンダー」
SD26-JP017 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion 「融合呪印生物-光」
SD26-JP018 Shining Angel 「シャインエンジェル」
SD26-JP020 Evolution Burst 「エヴォリューション・バースト」
SD26-JP021 Super Polymerization 「超融合」
SD26-JP022 Power Bond 「パワー・ボンド」
SD26-JP023 Limiter Removal 「リミッター解除」
SD26-JP024 Megamorph 「巨大化」
SD26-JP025 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation 「D・D・R」
SD26-JP026 Transtarn 「トランスターン」
SD26-JP027 Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」
SD26-JP028 Heavy Storm 「大嵐」
SD26-JP030 Cybernetic Hidden Technology 「サイバネティック・ヒドゥン・テクノロジー」
SD26-JP031 Three Card 「スリーカード」
SD26-JP032 Trap Stun 「トラップ・スタン」
SD26-JP033 Dimensional Prison 「次元幽閉」
SD26-JP034 Malevolent Catastrophe 「邪神の大災害」
SD26-JP035 Waboku 「和睦の使者」
SD26-JP036 Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」
SD26-JP037 Cyber Twin Dragon 「サイバー・ツイン・ドラゴン」 [Ultra Rare]
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